Cricket Ireland Appoints Philip Black as New President

Cricket Ireland Appoints Philip Black as New President

Cricket Ireland Appoints Philip Black as New President

A formal announcement has been made by Cricket Ireland in their video conference to declare Philip Black as their new president. 

Philip Black will be the successor of outgoing Cricket Ireland president David O’Connor as announced in the board’s first Annual General Meeting. Black’s term will last until the 2022 AGM to mitigate extraordinary circumstances such as the current pandemic.
Talking about his appointment, Black says, ‘It is a great honour to become President, particularly to think of some of those that have preceded me. While the role is largely honorary, you are an ambassador for your country - meeting and greeting people whether home or away. It's not only a proud day for my family and I, but for my club as well. The last president from CSNI Cricket Club was Simon Corlett, one of Ireland's finest cricketers’. 

Before he turns over the position, outgoing CI president O’Connor says, ‘I was delighted to have been asked to be President and it was certainly an eye-opener to see the amount of work being done by our Chairman Ross McCollum, his hardworking Board of Directors and the staff in Head Office. As they say: “A lot done, a lot more to do.” Certainly a major highlight personally was the first two days of the Lord's Test - it was unforgettable. As was meeting Sir Garfield Sobers and the now sadly passed Sir Everton Weekes’. 

As O’Connor has said, Ireland still has a lot of work to do to help Irish cricket grow more. Aside from that, he reiterated that CI is the organisation that will lead Irish cricket in the right direction. To learn more about cricket and how it is played, check out Betwala and discover some thrilling promos from our partner Bitcasino. 

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